Empowering New York'S

Electric School Bus Workforce

No-Cost Pre-Training Course

WDI has developed a no-cost pre-training course on the basics of electric school buses.

Workforce Strategies for Clean School Buses

Read the full report online

About WDI

The Workforce Development Institute (WDI) is a statewide non-profit that works to increase opportunities for all New Yorkers to succeed in the workforce while earning family-sustaining wages.


Electric School Bus Pre-Training Course

WDI has developed a no-cost pre-training course on the basics of electric school buses. The course introduces the battery-electric school bus technology to all pupil transportation workers and helps them prepare for the transition to electric school buses before they receive product-specific training from manufacturers, unions or their employers.

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Module 1: Basics of Electrical Theory

Covers the basic characteristics of electricity, direct and alternating current circuits, the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance, and the principles of induction motors.

Module 2: Battery-Electric School Buses 101

Provides an introductory understanding of the major components in EV school buses, how they are similar to and different from traditional buses, and how the work will change for pupil transportation workers.

Module 3: Charging Considerations

An overview of battery-electric school buses charging methods and considerations, covers charging options, existing and future charging technology, charging management (including smart charging), charger-bus communication, charging levels, charger maintenance, and safety considerations.


Module 4: Safety Around Electric School Buses

This module introduces safety hazards and risks on electric school buses and how workers can be prepared to mitigate any safety issues. After taking this course, workers will become familiar with in-built safety features, accident/incident protocols, the use of personal protective equipment, and skills necessary to safely operate and maintain EV school buses.


Demystifying Electric School Bus Technology to New Yorkers

This introductory video provides an overview of battery-electric school buses to pupil transportation workers in New York State and how the transition will affect their work. The video serves as a platform to launch WDI’s familiarization course on battery-electric school buses that will demystify the technology to drivers, bus aides, mechanics, technicians, dispatchers, and administrators.

This subsequent familiarization training is designed to inform and prepare drivers, bus aides, mechanics, technicians, and dispatchers for this new technology. It will demystify the basics of battery-electric school buses through engaging content on key topic areas like electrical theory, fundamentals of battery-electric motor systems, charging considerations, and more importantly, safety. WDI’s battery-electric bus familiarization training will complement other learning offerings from unions, manufacturers, and school districts.

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